A Day at the Lake Murray Boating & Sports Club

May 5, 2005


While Amy is in Sunny Florida and Mom was at the Derby, Me and Will went to Lake Murray to have a day of fun with my sister Beth and her clan.

It was a beautiful day to be at the lake.  Although I spent more time than I wanted to getting the SeaDoo sea worthy, we still had time to have plenty of fun cruising the lake on the Pleasure Times II, Doing the "Doo", and paddling around in Wick's new Kayak.  Good call Wick, the Kayak should provide you with plenty of fun for years to come.

Here is some of the pictures I took, I hope you enjoy.


John test drives the Kayak


Will gives it a try too


Wick wants his Kayak Back


Gap Tooth


I love this Truck!


A Penny for you Thoughts?


I liked how this one came out


No, It's not cold?


Doing the "Doo"!


Look Mom, No Hands!!


Coming into the Cove


Osprey Fly By


The View Across the Cove


Will's Still Paddling


Catherine back on the Boat


Finally Wick on His Kayak


SeaDoo gets a Rest

Row, Row, Row

Your Boat

Gently Down the Stream



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